Saturday, July 30, 2016


I was caged in dungeon
My soul wept
Cried out loud
Was all alone
With my dumb feelings
Wanted to escape
Waited for long
If he had come to me
I would have flown with him
But that was a mirage
Years rolled by
I fed up of my thoughts and pain.
One day , don't know
What happened
Something rose in my mind
I saw here and there
Found the door ajar
Yes, Almighty heard
My utmost wish
I gathered courage
And flew away
Like a free bird
I flew and escaped.
Indeed freedom is
The most wonderful thing..
Ah! the bliss it is.

Bhawana Sharma

New colours

Those colours
Which were admired a lot
Lost somewhere,
Newness enters.

Though peculiar
But still I welcome
And cherish .
Can I call it
A sort of acquaintance?

Rising gradually, silently
To shape up life
Maintaining decorum
Like to be quiet
Is it something
that lift me up ?

Oh God !
If You are there
Then it is worth ,
And meaningful.
But if not
Then.. I fear
If I fell in a pit ...

Bhawana Sharma 

Monday, July 25, 2016


तन्हाई जो कुछ कहती है
क्या बूझ कोई पाता उसको ?
सन्नाटे की भाषा उसकी
चुपके से बात सुनाती है ।

परिभाषा सबके लिए अलग
तन्हाई में जो रहता है ।
कोई रोता है, कोई गाता है
कोई अपनी राग सुनाता है ।

धीमे - धीमे, हौले - हौले
मन के तारों से झंकृत ,
अमृत सी वाणी सुनकर
क्या याद उसे कुछ रहता है ?

भावना शर्मा


About Me

अपने विचारों मैं उलझी किन राहों मैं नहीं भटकी खुद की तलाश में वक्त को बिताती हूँ पर जवाब नहीं पाती हूँ .... लोगों से मिलती हूँ ताल भी मिलाती हूँ अजनबी होने से थोडा खौफ खाती हूँ पर खुद को बहुत दूर बहुत दूर पाती हूँ ....